スタンフォード大学に行ってきました!I visited Stanford University!
考える人と考えない人 Thinker and No-Thinker
はじめに Introduction
I went to Stanford University!
I knew from being in San Francisco that I am at a distance that I can go on a day trip.
I went there with my roommate and not alone this time.
I'm sorry I leave it to various sources such as preliminary research. thank you very much.
I went to the University of California at Berkeley the other day.
About that, read this article.
行き方 Directions
Caltrainでthe Palo Alto Caltrain Stationまで行って、そこから無料シャトルバスでたどり着けます。か〜んた〜ん。
Go to the Palo Alto Caltrain Station by Caltrain and get there via a free shuttle bus. Easy.
— 岡竜之介 (@agajo) 2016年11月11日
架線がないので電車じゃないっぽいですね。ディーゼルかな? pic.twitter.com/SKyltdW8sd
(I will ride today as well Caltrain! Anyway it's great! It is not an electric train because there is no overhead wire. Is it diesel?)
ツアー Tour
First of all I participated in a campus tour.
The student explains it.
There was such a thing in the University of Tokyo too.
He told us walking backwards for a long time.
She was about to hit a bicycle on the way, but I wonder if it was okay.
The contents were explanations of buildings and gardens, about the history of Stanford University and about classes and club activities.
The official name of Stanford University is "Leland Stanford Junior University"
Stanford University is a university named after a millionaire Stanford's son who died earlier. Did you know that?
協会 Church
There was a church in the university, and it was open to tourists. Cool
売店 Book Store
スタンフォードの売店におります。赤いですね〜 pic.twitter.com/TGEdBCQFBc
— 岡竜之介 (@agajo) 2016年11月11日
(I am at Stanford's shop. It's red, is not it ~)
そう言えば UC Berkeley の売店は青かったですね。
That said, UC Berkeley's shop was blue.
UC Berkeley と Stanford は互いにライバル視していて、アメフトの大会なんかはすごいらしいです。東大生の僕にはあんまり関係ない話ですね。
It seems that UC Berkeley and Stanford are competing with each other, and American football tournaments are amazing. It is a story not much related to Tokyo University students.
I did not see it, but I wonder if Stanford has fratanities or something.
タワー Tower
We climbed the tower.
UC Berkeley では何故か会議をやってて登れなかったのですが、今回は登れました。
UC Berkeley held a meeting for some reason so I could not climb, but this time I could climb.
The interesting thing is that all the buildings at Stanford University are designing the same color and design
Either way from the observatory, the scenery resembled.
医学部 Faculty of Medicine
スタンフォード大医学部生の親であることを主張するためのマグカップ pic.twitter.com/O8hWERxOHW
— 岡竜之介 (@agajo) 2016年11月11日
(Mug cup to insist on being a parent of Stanford University Medical School student)
病院 Hospital
I also saw university hospital.
The roommate I went with was a doctor and he wanted to see the hospital.
美術館 Art Gallery
Cool stairs.
考える人(本物)と考えない人 pic.twitter.com/VfNuOeucrE
— 岡竜之介 (@agajo) 2016年11月12日
(Thinker and No-Thinker)
Buddha statues of Japan were also exhibited. The hands are not ...
おわりに Afterword
Today, the topic that the precision of Google translation between English and Japanese jumped up was exciting on Twitter all day, so I tried it immediately when I wrote this article. It is insanely easy to use. Perhaps, it will be easier to read than I posted yesterday that I was writing on my own. Sometimes, it was interesting that I thought like "It interpreted so!". It is impossible to correctly interpret ambiguous sentences without context.